Install Kerio Control VPN Client on Fedora

1 minute read

When switching from Ubuntu (18.04) to Fedora (28), I saw that the Kerio Control VPN Client is only available on Debian/Ubuntu. I managed to get it working on Fedora (using version 9.2.6-2720).


  1. Download the latest Kerio Control VPN Client .deb
  2. Install alien (to convert .deb to .rpm)
     sudo dnf install alien
  3. Convert the .deb to .rpm
     alien -r --scripts kerio-control-vpnclient-%VERSION%-linux-amd64.deb
  4. Install the generated .rpm
     sudo rpm -ivh kerio-control-vpnclient-%VERSION%-linux-amd64.rpm --replacefiles
  5. Install the Kerio Control VPN Client service
     sudo chkconfig kerio-kvc on

The Kerio Control VPN Client has now been installed. You can use the following commands to control it:

# Start the client
sudo systemctl start kerio-kvc

# Stop the client
sudo systemctl stop kerio-kvc

# Automatically start the client on boot
sudo systemctl enable kerio-kvc

# Don't automatically start the client on boot
sudo systemctl disable kerio-kvc

# View the current status of the client
sudo systemctl status kerio-kvc


  1. Create a configuration file
     sudo nano /etc/kerio-kvc.conf
  2. Paste the following template and fill it
         <connection type="persistent">
  3. Save the file and restart the client

Obtaining the fingerprint

You can obtain the fingerprint from the control panel. If you don’t have access to the control panel, you can find it like this:

  1. Run the following command
     openssl s_client -connect %HOST%:%PORT% < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -fingerprint -md5 -noout -in /dev/stdin
  2. Copy the fingerprint (everything after the equals sign)


There are a few log files at /var/log/kerio-kvc. Especially the debug.log contains useful information.



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