Edit build.prop using ADB

1 minute read

There are many reasons why you may like to edit your build.prop file. I always edit it in order to lower my DPI, resulting in a bigger looking screen.

You can edit it on the device itself using a file manager or a build.prop editor but it may be more convenient to edit the file using a PC.

Please note that your device has to be rooted to edit the build.prop file.

  1. Download and unzip the Eclipse ADT
  2. Make sure your device has USB debugging enabled
  3. Open a command prompt or terminal and cd to the platform-tools directory:
    cd C:\adt-bundle-windows\sdk\platform-tools
  4. Check if your device is recognized:
    If it’s not you may install the Google USB driver and try again
    adb devices

    The device may ask you if the computer is trusted, choose yes

  5. Restart ADB as root:
    adb root
  6. Remount /system as rw (read-write):
    adb remount
  7. Download build.prop to your pc:
    adb pull /system/build.prop
  8. Now you can edit build.prop using your favorite editor
    Important: use a plain text editor! I recommend Notepad++ for Windows and Geany for Linux
  9. Upload build.prop to your device:
    adb push build.prop /system/build.prop
  10. Fix permissions:
    adb shell chmod 644 /system/build.prop
  11. Reboot your device:
    adb reboot

Thanks to this answer on Stack Overflow.


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